Sunnyvale Moose Lodge #2049

Moose Heart

Hours of Operation

( At this time, see Calendar )

Weekly Events





- Pool Team - check schedule

- Tuesday Night Country line dancing. Fun, friendly, high energy line dancing. 7:00pm - 10:30PM

- Tango "Practica" 7 - 10pm

- Rick's Varity Show 7:00 - 10pm

- Tacos by Charlie Bell $2.00 each 6:00 - 7:30

- Poker at 6:00

- LineDance Lessons with Nanci 6:30 - 7:30 PM

- Ohana Line Dancing 7:30 - 10:30 PM

Note: Actual Lodge closing time is at the discression of the bartender.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, July 6, 2024
District Meeting in TBD - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Saturday, August 3, 2024
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Friday, August 9, 2024
Articles due for Sep/Oct Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Saturday, September 7, 2024
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Saturday, October 5, 2024
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Friday, October 11, 2024
Articles due for Nov/Dec Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Saturday, November 2, 2024
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Saturday, December 7, 2024
District Meeting in TBD. Legion - 10:00, Council of higher Degrees - 11:00am, Executive board - Noon, Lunch -1:00pm, District meeting 2:00pm
Friday, December 13, 2024
Articles due for Jan/Feb Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter

Embrace Our Community Campaign

As part of the Embrace Our Commnity campaign, Moose International is offering No Application Fee for Online Applications with Two Years's Dues!

The $20 application fee will be waived for new and re-enrolled members who sign up to join a lodge through the online application of two years. This promotion is scheduled to run through December 31, 2024. Only individuals who are signed through the ONLINE application and commit to TWO years will have the application fee waived. All other applications will still incur the $20 fee. The online application is available on or can be accessed through the Moose Membership Mobile App.

In addition, Lodges may participate in the "Plus One" incentive offered by Moose International.

The Moose Interrnational Board of Directors has approved a new incentive for fiscal year 2024-2025 that will rebate the ABCD portion of dues paid to Moose International ($38) for every member over the lodge's final active member count from fiscal 2023-2024 (which ended on April 30, 2024). For example, if a lodge has a final active member count of 100 at midnight on April 30, 2024, and has a final active member count of 115 at midnight on April 30, 2025, the lodge would receive $70 back from Moose International. Lodges achieving a gain of 1-29 member will receive the credit to their A/R, while lodges achieving a gain of 30+ members will receive a check following the end of this next fiscal year. There is no cap or limit to the number of cash rebates a lodge can earn. Additional information will be available soon on the Moose International website, in Moose magazine, and in future Official Communications.

President's Message

Eugene Bustichi

Hello Sunnyvale! Summer is here and it's going to be a hot one! Our administrator, Charlie Bell and his always gracious wife, Carol, will be leaving us at the end this month for relaxing and good times at Moosehaven. If you see them before they leave, wish them well.

Our treasurer Perry James, has offered to step in and perform administrative duties until we have a new administrator, which we are in the process of selecting at this time.

We are still looking for bartenders, and kitchen help: servers, cooks and dishwashers. If you have a favorite meal that you like to cook, please come forward with your suggestions. What might seem simple to you could a delicious meal for your fellow members.

Feel free to contact me by email:

And as they used to say on TV, “Ya'll come back now, ya hear!”

Thank you for all you do,

Eugene Bustichi

God Bless America and All Her Soldiers.

Administrator's Message

Charlie Bell

Administrator’s Message

By the time you read this, Carol and I will be enjoying life at Moosehaven! We are really going to miss this lodge and all the members here, we love you all. Perry James will be acting as Interim Administrator until a new administrator is appointed.

Volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen as cooks, at the window takinp orders, and as dishwashers (when needed). If you would like to help out on Friday night dinners, Sunday Jam Sessions, any lodge function or dinner dance, please contact our President Eupene Bustichi. Email him at:

Apain, I would like to thank all the volunteers we have now and have had through the years. It becomes a tiresome job to do all the time, and your help is truly appreciated.

Charlie Bell

From the Editor

Kay Peterson

I would like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to all women who are Lodge members to join our Women of the Moose Chapter. Our Chapter meets on the fourth Monday each month at 7 PM and enjoys a social time together after our meetings in the social quarters.

The official emblem of the Women of the Moose is a heart with a triangle in the center. In the center of the triangle is a gold standing moose. On the points of the triangle are the letters F, H, C, which stand for Faith, Hope and Charity. These are the three great principles that our members live by.

As a member of the Women of the Moose, you have the opportunity to elevate within our Organization. There are three higher degrees within the Women of the Moose that you can achieve: Academy of Friendship, Star Recorder and College of Regents.

Along with personal goals, our Chapter also has the opportunity to earn the Award of Achievement. This honor is awarded by the Grand Chancellor to Chapters that work together as a team and successfully support efforts in membership building and maintaining assets.

Our Chapter works hand in hand with our Lodpe hosting many social events/ Dances throughout the year. Come join us as we make a aiHerence in the lives of our Mooseheart children and our seniors at Mooseheaven!


Kay Peterson

Sunnyvale Moose Lodge Newsletter
Published bimonthly by Sunnyvale Moose Lodge 2049
905 Kifer Road • Sunnyvale CA 94086 408-735-1377

Deadline for submitting content for the next newsletter is the 10th of the month.
Email your copy to

Moose Charities News

Chuck Barber
Moose Charties

The Mooseheart Veteran‘s Walk opened in May of 2012. This majestic walkway tribute, under the responsibility of Mooseheart‘s NJROTC unit, honors the men and women who serve and have served our country both proudly and bravely through military duty.

It is a personal ”thank you for your service” to all veterans who are family members, friends, or fellow Moose members, and it is not limited to those who are deceased or who served during wartime.

Mooseheart honors and remembers all of our veterans each year during Memorial Day weekend and the week of Veterans Day in NovemDer. All existing personalized markers will be displayed in a series of kiosks along a walkway with a selection of flags. This design provides an opportunity to secure the engraved plaques and view the walkway with a stunning backdrop of flags when visiting the new Veteran*s Walk. If also offers an opportunity to honor our veterans from all branches of services two times oer year for Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.

Chuck Barber

Moose legion News

Alan Childs
Moose Legion

Most of our Sunnyvale Lodge membership is aware that Charlie and Carol Bell are retiring to Moosehaven in Jacksonville, FL and leaving us towards the end of June.

Charlie became our Administrator several years ago when Charles Barber was elected Governor and I became Jr. Governor. Carol has been in charge of the Social Quarters and spent thousands of hours servicing our mem bership. They have been catalysts in our awesome Moose Lodge over decades and continued to support us in every area. They would open and close the lodge daily.

Their leaving for Moosehaven means more of us will need to step up and provide support so we may continue to maintain everything we do in support of the kids at Mooseheart, the seniors at Moosehaven, the local Community and most importantly, the Sunnyvale Moose Lodge.

Please contact myself, Kathy Chilas, or anyone on the Board of OHicers. Thanl‹s very much for your continued support.

Alan Childs

Youth Awareness

Kathy Childs
Moose Youth Awareness

Welcome a Guest, Then Invite Them to Join

karmal Haddad
Youth Scholarship Recipent

We are thrilled to announce that Kamal Haddad, a student sponsored by the Sunnyvale Moose Lodge, won the third place $5,000 scholarship at the Moose International competition in Virginia! He had already earned $500 for being chosen as a California/Nevada finalist and earned an all-expense paid trip to Virginia for a three-day weekend of fun and competition in April.

Kamal chose to do his three required "Kids Talks" on the topic of how to identify and deal with misinformation. He gave three motivational talks to younp children and submitted reports on each talk. The state finalists are chosen by student judpes based on their Kids Talk reports.

Youth Awareness scholarships are funded by the Moose Legion dues. Students are sponsored by a lodge and that lodge also provides $200 for their weekend of exciting activities. Flights are paid for by money raised throughout the year by districts and by drawings at-conferences and conventions.

For the ‘24-’25 school year, informational meetings called Congresses will be held at various lodges during the months of July through October. Students may win scholarships during each of their four years of high school.

Thanks to the Moose Legion, CNMA, District 10 and all members of the Sunnyvale Moose Lodpe for your support for this exciting opportunity to motivate and teach younp children and hiph school students. Please pive 9th-12th traders my contact information if they are interested in earning scholarships up to $12,000.

Kathy Childs, Youth Awareness Coordinator

Email: Cell: (650) 520-9004

Moose Heart Moose Charities Moose Haven